This IS the better mousetrap! Most MD's get just a basic 4 years in Med School, then work to earn not learn. I've researched diseases and aging for 20+ years, with a 10 year stint where I spent 12 hrs/day everyday in the Northwestern Med School's library just reviewing clinical and scientific studies! .I've had 3 major papers published; the publishing journal has 5 Nobel Prizes between the editors. And described my papers as extremely exciting and of major importance! This book describes the case studies I have encountered either directly or indirectly of people who claim to have completely cured their life long asthma with high doses of LUNG REMODELING HORMONE. it also describes a recently published ground-breaking study of asthmatic children where low levels of LUNG REMODELING HORMONE were associated with denser lung tissue (and thus likely fewer airways), and more severe asthma attacks, while children with higher levels of LUNG REMODELING HORMONE had less dense lung tissue, and much less severe asthma! The obvious way to cure asthma then would be to dramatically increase one's levels of LUNG REMODELING HORMONE!! Because LUNG REMODELING HORMONE is unpatentable, you will never hear about it from Big Pharma, and likely not for a long time from your MD. Like it has been said by some...."There is no profit in curing anything! The real profit comes in treatment!" Because Lung Remodeling Hormone is unpatentable, it is cheap, and easily obtained.