They are gone too soon. Precious little ones lost through miscarriage, stillbirth, and infant death. However brief their lives, they are not soon forgotten. And the pain of their loss is very real to parents and family. This book is a tenderly crafted message of comfort and counsel for those who have lost, or for those who know someone who has lost little children. Author Sherri D. Wittwer, who knows the poignant reality of such a loss, writes from a Latterday Saint perspective of special gospel insights that can bring comfort and aid in the healing process as well as strengthen faith in the Lord. Wittwer draws on her own, as well as others', moving experiences and reflections as she discusses the grieving process for parents and siblings and the spiritual resolution that makes acceptance possible. She portrays the pain, disbelief, anger, acceptance, and finally the peace of those who have endured this difficult trial. With them, you'll come to understand the kindness and mercy of a loving Father in Heaven who has promised a special place in His kingdom for those precious, angel babies.