Genius Ingenious Gefen EXT-3GSDI-441 4x1 3GSDI Switcher

The Gefen 4x1 3G-SDI Switcher allows any one of four high-bandwidth 3G-SDI, HD-SDI or SDI sources to be switched to a single output without a switching delay or loss of signal quality. Ideal for cutting equipment costs in the studio by enabling shared signal routing, this 3G-SDI Switcher supports source resolutions up to 1080p and has convenient switching methods. How It Works Four 3G-SDI sources connect to BNC input jacks on the input side of the Gefen 4x1 3G-SDI Switcher. A single 3G-SDI output connects on the BNC output. Power is applied to the 4x1 3G-SDI Switcher and video is transmitted to the output device. Any 3G-SDI input source is selectable via the included IR remote control or a selector button on the front panel. Sources may also be selected by using the RS-232 communications port. Features Switches four 3G-SDI sources instantly without signal degradation Streamlines equipment by eliminating unnecessary hardware Video resolutions up to 1080p are supported Backwards compatible with SDI and HD-SDI Front panel switching Discrete IR remote (included) Plug-and-play installation Distributes video without latency