Learn more about mutual, open, closed and hedge funds. Financial funds are a very important topic to understand in the area of financial economics. The terms hedge funds, open ended funds and mutual funds are often mentioned in the business and financial media and during interviews with traders, investors and fund managers. But what are hedge funds, open ended funds and mutual funds all about? This financial funds course will explain in clear and precise terms what is involved in the main financial funds. You will learn that hedge funds are typically open ended funds invested in a diverse range of assets. Open and close ended funds are straight forward in that one is open to shareholders buying and selling their shares whereas the other is closed and once you buy in you cannot leave unless you personally trade your share. Hedge funds are more dynamic in nature, but are not sold to the public. Since the introduction of new legislation in the US in 2008 due to the credit crisis you will learn why the US government will now play a more active role in how hedge funds are managed and regulated. This financial funds course will be of interest to professionals in business and finance, and to financial, business and economic students who want a clearer understanding of the role of funds in financial economics.