Slinky, lightening fast, mischievous, and smarter than many people you know, ferrets, like their otter cousins, are the merry pranksters of the animal world. Ferrets are also inveterate thieves who’ll steal just about anything that isn’t nailed down and spirit it off to their hidey-holes. But, as most ferret owners will tell you, the thing those fuzzy little balls of energy are best at stealing is your heart. Hmm. cunning, mischievous, light-fingered – sounds like a recipe for disaster in a pet. And the truth is, coexisting with a ferret can be a challenge – one you’d better be certain you’re up for, before you commit to bringing a ferret into your home. Ferrets For Dummies lets you take a long, well-informed look before leaping into the fabulous furry world of “ferts.” This fun, entertaining book fills you in on everything you need to know to successfully adopt, nurture, live with, and love a ferret. You’ll discover how to: Choose t he right ferret for you Ferret-proof your house Understand your ferret’s special needs Train your ferret to be well-behaved Feed your ferret properly Select safe and creative toys Manage ferret odors Integrate your ferret into your life Breed ferrets Ideal for first-time and veteran ferret owners alike, Ferrets For Dummies is a gold mine of advice, guidance, and tested-in-the-trenches tips on: Deciding if a ferret is right for you and vice versa Finding your ferret and introducing him or her into your home The care and feeding of ferrets Health issues, concerns ,and treatments Ferret psychology and sociology Breeding ferrets for fun and profit Recipes your ferret will love Your ferret is a smart little guy, and you’ll need to stay two steps ahead of him. This fun and informative book shows you how to handle your furry tornado’s playful energy and boundless curiosity, so you can live happily ever after together.