"I am the light of the world" (John 8:12). Jesus wasnot just speaking figuratively. Prophets and visionaries throughout history, aswell as millions of people who have had a so-called near death experience(NDE), have consistently reported experiencing God as light - light that isqualitatively and quantitatively different from the light we ordinarily see. Many of them, including Augustine of Hippo,Hildegard of Bingen, and Joseph Smith, have reported seeing and/or traversing a"conduit" or "tunnel" to a realm of light and love where they met a being of light(Christ), or whereby their visions have occurred.Examining Christian faith in terms of the scientificproperties of light provides answers to many of the deepest mysteries of God.It also resolves the perceived conflicts between science and religion.Forexample, re-examining the biblical creation story in terms of science and theLight of Christ, it becomes clear that the first chapter of Genesis is actuallya metaphor for the creation of the universe that tracks well with science's BigBang model. Details of the physical and spiritual creations then come intosharp focus, and anachronisms disappear. Even the "fall of Adam" is explainedby the science of light.How dothe properties of light reconcile science and faith? What do the NDE"tunnel," and the visionary "gateway" or"conduit" have in common with Albert Einstein's discoveries? What areconsciousness and love in terms of science and the Light of Christ? Find theanswers to these and many other mysteries in "Faith and Physics"!