Edvitxd Davinci Syrup Mur / Rum S50Edd0

Edvitxd Davinci Syrup Mur / Rum S50Edd0
sku: 9002595273
Shipping from: Indonesia
Semua iklan selama masih ada ready stok siap kirim, tidak perlu menanyakan stok lagi, silahkan langsung di order bosku.
DaVinci Gourmet syrups and flavourings were born out of the desire to complement caf and coffeehouse beverages. With more than 40 flavours, and syrups specifically created for hot beverages as well as cold, you can create exciting delicious new items on your specialty beverage menu. From lattes to hot cocoas, to teas and fruit smoothies, let DaVinci Gourmet help you create that next must-have drink that your customers love.
Get incredible flavour backed by drink recipes, marketing materials, training, coffee shop menu support and more, to create a unique experience for every patron who walks in the door.
Semua pesanan yang masuk dibawah jam 18.00 akan dikirim dihari yang sama, selain itu akan masuk pengiriman esok hari. Happy shoping :)
Pastikan memilih barang yang tepat dan cantumkan deskripsi produk (warna, ukuran, bentuk) jika tidak mencantumkan catatan untuk produk yg dipilih, maka produk akan dikirim secara random
Membeli berarti setuju ya, no komplian no return
harga yg tertera adalah harga per pc ya kak ,trims
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