Diamond Juice Orange Unsweet 946ml
HARAP BACA SYARAT & KETENTUAN TOKO ! Dengan ORDER, kami anggap Anda sudah MEMBACA, MENGERTI & MENYETUJUI semua ketentuan tersebut. Diamond Juice Drink dibuat dengan buah pilihan tanpa tambahan gula yang dikemas dengan kemasan multi lapis kedap udara. Untuk menjaga kesegarannya, penyimpanan dan pengiriman selalu dijaga dalam kondisi temperatur dingin. Seperti Anda, kami ingin memberikan yang terbaik untuk dinikmati bersama keluarga. Diamond Juice Drink, seperti minuman jus buatan sendiri.
#juice #diamondjuice
Diamond Juice Drink is made with selected fruits without additional Sugars which is packed in sealed airtight multilayer packaging. To maintain its freshness, storage and delivery is always maintained at chilled temperatures. Just like you, we want to give you the best for the whole family to enjoy together. Diamond Juice Drink, just like your homemade juice drink.
#juice #diamondjuice
#juice #diamondjuice
Diamond Juice Drink is made with selected fruits without additional Sugars which is packed in sealed airtight multilayer packaging. To maintain its freshness, storage and delivery is always maintained at chilled temperatures. Just like you, we want to give you the best for the whole family to enjoy together. Diamond Juice Drink, just like your homemade juice drink.
#juice #diamondjuice
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