The war against is where elite soldiers, aircraft, and the latest surveillance technology have been fused together to take the fight directly to Islamic States door in Syria and Iraq. Fighting fanatical jihadist's who want to turn the world bit by bit into one single Islamic State under Sharia Law. ISIS or Islamic State are a formidable foe - one where the U.S. Special Forces have fought some of their bloodiest battles since Vietnam on the streets of Ramadi and Fallujah. Even losing a Delta operator during a daring raid to free 70 Iraqi hostages in October 2015. In May 2015, a joint operation between the SAS and Delta Force was undertaken to take out Abu Sayyaf a top ISIS financier.The SAS was tasked with performing reconnaissance on the target before Delta Operators being directed by the SAS went in to take out Sayyaf. This was a classic joint forces operation and one of many high tempo operations undertaken by Delta Force in Syria and Iraq covered in this third Delta Force book.