Medieval Europe. The embittered old widow Countess Elisabeth (Ingrid Pitt - Where Eagles Dare, The Vampire Lovers), rules with a rod of iron alongside her lover, Captain Dobi (Nigel Green - Zulu, The Ipcress File). In a fit of rage she strikes out at one of her chambermaids and is amazed to discover that, where the maid's blood has splashed her face, the skin beneath has become youthful and smooth. She slaughters the girl and bathes in her blood, making herself look much younger. Finding the key to eternal youth she coerces Dobi to abduct a string of young girls to keep her supplied with the blood she craves to stay beautiful...Directed by genre stalwart Peter Sasdy (Taste the Blood of Dracula, Hands of the Ripper), Countess Dracula is undoubtedly one of Hammer's most infamous and horrifying films. Ingrid Pitt features as the buxom, vampiric Countess Elisabeth, a part she is still best-remembered for to this day, and is ably supported by Nigel Green, Sandor Eles (Crossroads, Department S), Maurice Denham (Porridge, Doctor Who) and Lesley Anne-Down (Upstairs Downstairs, From Beyond The Grave).Special Features:50 years of Hammer - News feature from 1999.Archive interview from Tonight with Ingrid Pitt.Audio commentary with Ingrid Pitt and horror experts Kim Newman and Stephen JoneConceptions of Murder: Peter and Maria.Original theatrical trailer.Thriller: Where the Action Is.