CORGI WARLOCK – Maia, the great Corgi Warlock, sets out on a quest to defeat the EVIL BUNNY KING and his army of undead, strange, and pointy-object wielding minions. Based on a true story*, follow the exploits of Maia as she battles nefarious creatures of the BUNNY ARMY with her magic. Just a couple of the dangerous foes Maia will face include Narwhals throwing their horns (Warning: Narwhal horns are quite stabby.), Sheep with Torches (Warning: Sheep are flammable. Don't try this at home.), Salamander Rogues (Warning: All Salamanders are rogues.), and 67 other adorable yet deadly enemies. If Maia can't do it alone, she can team up with her pals The Prophet Pig-J (Origin: The Sties of the Undershire) , The Magic Pug (Origin: Unknown), and the Fish Mage (Origin: The Ocean). With their powers combined not even the dreaded Bunny King himself will stand in their path... Or so they hope. CORGI WARLOCK also features a 1-4 player vs. Battle Mode, for when you need to determine who does the dishes or if a Pug really is better than a Corgi.