Commentary on Colossians Genev
C.H. Spurgeon, in his famous work, Commenting and Commentaries, placed Davenant on Colossians in the first rank of commentaries on this Pauline epistle and approvingly quoted the words of Charles Bridges about this volume: 'I know no exposition upon a detached portion of Scripture (with the single exception of Owen on the Hebrews) that will compare with it in all depth, accuracy, and discursiveness.'On the title page of an old Latin edition a satisfied reader made a note of his deep appreciation for Davenant's masterpiece: 'Don't abuse this good old book: for it is an extraordinary piece, and the best Exposition on St. Paul's Epistle to the Colossians that ever was published...and I am afraid there will never be a better so long as the world endures.'The Methodist preacher James Hervey expressed his appreciation of this commentary in more measured terms. 'For perspicuity of style and accuracy of method; for judgment in discerning and fidelity in representing the Apostle's meaning; for strength of argument in refuting errors, and felicity of invention in deducing practical doctrines, tending both to the establishment of faith, and the cultivation of holiness, it is inferior to no writing of the kind; and richly deserves to be read, to be studied, to be imitated, by our young divines.'On the strength of such high recommendations as these, the Trust is making available this 'much praised' commentary with the prayer that it will continue to instruct, encourage, and sanctify the faith and life of Christian people in the 21st century.
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