C.S. Osborne Large Size Nickel Plain Grommets & Washers. These Large Size Grommets are installed with the Osborne W-1 Hand Press Machine or W-3 Pneumatic Machine using their correspondent grommet dies. CS Osborne # N1-12 Diameter of hole : 1-9/16 Pack of 20 sets Use grommet die set #WDIGRC12 Punch holes before setting grommets with one of the following tools: C.S. Osborne Drive Hole Punch C.S. Osborne Revolving Hole Punch or Screw Hole Punch. C.S. Osborne & Co. is a manufacturer of specialized hand tools designed exclusively for upholsterers auto trimmers awning and canvas workers furniture makers and other professionals in related trades. For generations the family run business has always taken great pride in engineering the highest quality tools and offering our products both here in the United States and abroad. C.S. Osborne produces the most extensive line of custom tools available -and we guarantee that our tools will deliver excellent quality and superior performance.