Bushnell Hyper Lip Single Elk Call with Tone Converter
The Hyper LIP Single with Tone Converter makes calling in elk easy. The open single-reed reproduces the high pitches of cows and calves. Removing the Tone Converter allows louder calling when locating or calling bulls from longer distances. The Hyper LIP Single with Tone Converter takes all the guesswork out of calling bulls up close.The converter is like an enhancer. Allows you to make soft sounds with converter and loud sounds without the converter. Get more out of your calling techniques with the Hyper Lip Single!This is an open reed call designed to make cow elk sounds. It comes in a single, or double reed. The Hyper LIP Single produces high-pitched sounds of cows and calves, while the Hyper LIP Double produces the deeper and louder tones of the matriarch cow.Primos Hunting is Widely Known as the Premier Elk Calls and Elk Videos Brand on the MarketWill Primos' love for the high country shows through with the quality of elk calls that Primos continues to produce year after year. Primos elk calls come in many shapes, sizes, and sounds. When calling elk, being versatile is key; we have put years of recording and research into our calls.Primos Hunting: Speak the LanguagePrimos Hunting is the leader in the design and manufacturing of game calls for elk, deer, turkey, predator and waterfowl. Our commitment in game calls - to make great products built by hunters, for hunters - also extends to our blinds, shooting accessories, trail cameras, attractants & supplements, clothes and other hunting accessories. You may also know us through our television show Primos' TRUTH About Hunting, DVD's and Mastering the Art video series.