Birthday Cake Topper

Birthday Cake Topper
sku: 20215773540
Shipping from: Indonesia
>> Uk Cake Diameter 15cm,
>> 2 lapis
>> Topper & warna bisa diganti request sesuai tema (silahkan chat admin)
>> Cover with Swiss Meringue Butter Cream (jd ga ngendal dimulut)
>> Memakai bahan2 premium
Pilihan cake nya :
1. Chocolate couverture butter cake with ganache chocolate
2. Vanilla sponge cake, pilihan filling : ganache choxolate / mocca / creamcheese
(Untuk creamcheese ada penambahan Rp 50rb)
3. Mocca sponge cake
Pilihan filling : buttercream mocca n meises atau nougat caramel
4. Black Coffee Caramel Cake
Filling: nougat caramel with peanut jam
(Untuk Lapis Surabaya premium, ada penambahan biaya start from Rp 50rb)

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