Big Bang Theory vs. The Bible has a truly unique comparison between two seemingly opposite perspectives. It brings religion and science together by using the truths of the Big Bang Theory, evolution, astronomy, mathematics, statistical probabilities and the solar system. It reconciles the calendar of the creation recorded in the Book of Genesis with the calendar of the Big Bang Theory – as the two calendars perfectly and mathematically corelate. It discusses the controversy in science today on how life actually began on Earth, with the Book of Genesis stating that life came from the “ground” or “dust of the ground” and evolution stating that the human race can trace its lineage back to a pile of tiny rocks. It will analyze the creative power of neutrons, protons and electrons vs. God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost. It relates the history of the solar system with the Moon’s creation compared to the creation of Eve in the Book of Genesis. It shows that over 2000 years ago the Apostle John predicted 21st century technology that may be dangerous to the Christians. After reading Big Bang Theory vs. The Bible, you will be asking yourself... does the Bible validate the Big Bang Theory or does the Big Bang Theory validate the Bible as non-fiction? This Author’s perspective uses logical fact patterns that enables true intellect.