[Baru] Buku The Gospel Project Bible Hcsb Hc Limited

[Baru] Buku The Gospel Project Bible Hcsb Hc Limited
артикул: 25860029596
Доставка из: Индонезия
The Gospel Project Bible will aid Bible readers by giving them a resource, within the text, that shows them how Christ connects all of Scripture and how it applies to their own lives.
The Bible is not a collection of stories. It is one story, the story of God’s plan to rescue His people from sin and death. It is the story of redemption, the gospel message of Jesus Christ. And it’s our story, too.
When we see how all the Scriptures point to Jesus, we allow the gospel to work on us, move through us, and ultimately, transform us. We become God’s gospel project.
The Story is waiting. Jump in.
Snap shot of product features:
200+ Devotionals
200+ Voices from the Church (thoughts and reflections from church leaders)
200+ Christ Connections (helps readers see Christ in specific passages)
200+ Missional Applications
99 Essential Doctrines (concise summaries)
Book introductions
Topical concordance
2-column, center column reference text setting
Product details:
Publisher : Holman Bible Publishers
Dimensions : 7 x 1.3 x 9.4 in
ISBN: 9781433613883
Pages: 2000
Perhatian :
Informasi Penting:
- Sekitar 99% produk yang terpajang kini siap untuk Anda miliki. Segera lakukan pembelian sekarang!
- Mohon untuk mencatat varian atau spesifikasi produk yang diinginkan sebelum menyelesaikan pembelian, seperti ukuran, warna, model, dan hal lainnya, melalui layanan obrolan di Toko kami.
- Pastikan alamat pengiriman Anda terisi dengan lengkap, termasuk nama jalan, nomor rumah, RT/RW, dan informasi lain yang dibutuhkan. Jangan lupa sertakan nomor HP yang dapat dihubungi untuk memperlancar proses pengiriman.
Terima kasih
SKU : 3131/1526511234465611776/55
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