[Baru] Buku Lagu Piano Disney'S My First Song Book Vol.3 Limited

[Baru] Buku Lagu Piano Disney'S My First Song Book Vol.3 Limited
sku: 24910036019
Shipping from: Indonesia
Sigma Piano House:
Toko piano yang mejual berbagai merk piano acoustic ber kualitas terbaik , kami menjual buildup piano
asli dari jepang. Tempat kami juga menyediakan sekolah musik , dengan ujian dan sertifikasi dari Amerika.
Disney's My First Song Book "A Treasury of Favorite Songs to Sing and Play" Volume 3
Official Edition
Song List:
1. Alice in Wonderland from Alice in Wonderland
2. The Unbirthday Song from Alice in Wonderland
3. Little April Shower from Bambi
4. Baby Mine from Dumbo
5. When I See an Elephant Fly from Dumbo
6. A Spoonful of Sugar from Mary Poppins
7. Mickey Mouse March from The Mickey Mouse Club
8. Never Smile at a Crocodile from Peter Pan
9. Give a Little Whistle from Pinocchio
10. I've Got No Strings from Pinocchio
11. When You Wish Upon a Star from Pinocchio
12. Heigh-Ho from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
13. I'm Wishing from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
14. Some Day My Prince Will Come from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
15. Whistle While You Work from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
16. Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf from Three Little Pigs
Berat buku variative tergantung tebal bukunya , antara 150 gram- 750 gram
Buku piano musik ini digunakan untuk belajari lagu-lagu Disney.
sebelum mebeli ada baiknya berkonsultasi dengan guru piano masing-masing.
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: Sigmapianohouse
: Sigmamusikhouse
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SKU : 3131/1378336942079819776/55
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