An insider's guide to the best alternative cancer doctors in the U.S. This Special Report gives you critical information about alternative cancer doctors and their clinics that the FDA and the drug industry don't want you to know about. You'll discover 16 doctors right here in the U.S. that are curing cancer using safe, alternative treatments... NO disfiguring surgery, NO burning radiation, and NO poisonous chemo. These doctors and their hidden clinics are quietly saving the lives of countless cancer victims... even those with hopeless cancers. Like Bernadette, a middle-aged woman from New York who had brain cancer. Her doctors told her, There's nothing we can do for you. In other words, they gave her a death sentence. But she went to one of the alternative cancer clinics revealed in this Special Report, America's Best Cancer Doctors and Their Secrets. After three weeks of alternative treatment, she went home with some nutritional supplements and homeopathic remedies. Her headaches were gone. Her pain was gone. Her tumor was gone, as proved by a new MRI. There are many, many stories like Bernadette's. Unfortunately, most cancer victims never hear about them. But this Special Report tells you everything you need to know about America's very best alternative cancer doctors and their clinics. It gives you contact information for over 16 of the most outstanding doctors and alternative cancer clinics in America including addresses, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and website addresses.