Air Science DWS Downflow Ductless Workstation, 24", 120V, 60Hz
Air Science 24" DWS Downflow Workstations is high efficiency ductless fume hoods designed to protect the user and the environment from hazardous vapors generated on the work surface. Unrestricted front and side access facilitates applications requiring complex and intensive operator involvement, while downward airflow in the chamber protects the operator.This DWS Downflow Workstation product line is based on an innovative Air Science Multiplex Filtration Technology that creates a safe work environment over the widest range of applications in the industry. Environmental BenefitsAir Science ductless fume hoods isolate and trap chemical vapors to prevent ecological impact through release into the environment. VersatileEach filtration system is selected for its specific application. The Multiplex Filter broadens the range of applications. Carbon filters are available in more than 14 configurations for use with vapors or organic solvents, acids, mercury and formaldehyde. HEPA/ULPA filters can add to biological safety. Easy to InstallThe ductless fume hood is self-contained and does not require venting to the out-side. Many units are portable and may be moved from one location to the next with minimal down-time and without filter changes. Set-up, operation and filter maintenance are straightforward. Energy EfficientBecause filtered air is returned to the room, no demands are required of the facilityHVAC capacity for make-up air. Cost EffectiveFacility ductwork, HVAC and construction costs are eliminated. Safe to UseWorkstation airflow and face velocity protect users from incidental exposures to fumes. Self testingElectronic airflow monitoring assures continuous safety. An optional electronic gas sensor monitors carbon filter performance.