Made famous by Charles Darwin's work on evolution and speciation, the Galápagos Islands contain an extraordinary wildlife that attracts thousands of visitors today. Those tourists who wish to concentrate on the birdlife now have A Guide to the Birds of the The Galápagos Islands, which offers unprecedented comprehensive coverage. This field guide presents every species to have been recorded within the archipelago, including accidentals and vagrants. Twenty-eight color plates illustrate the species, while four color plates show the key island habitats, with typical bird species for each also depicted. Beautiful line drawings, often showing interesting aspects of bird behavior, complement a concise, accessible, and informative text.The book describes the morphological aspects that make it possible to identify the birds in the field, and also explains the natural history of the species that are resident to the Islands. An introduction offers information on the weather, topography, and evolution of the Islands and their birdlife. With this guide, all visitors, experts and beginners, will be able to identify and appreciate any species within the unique avifauna of the the Galápagos Islands.