57Ryr66- Arutala Kopi Arabika Papua Wamena 200 Gram - Biji T7Tfhty-

57Ryr66- Arutala Kopi Arabika Papua Wamena 200 Gram - Biji T7Tfhty-
sku: 6862047640
Shipping from: Indonesia
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Papua Wamena coffee comes from the Baliem Valley with an altitude of 1,200
to 1,600 masl.
The character of Papua Wamena Coffee certainly has a sour taste and a
distinctive aroma. But if we compare it to other types of Papua Arabica coffee,
the level of acidity or acidity of Papua Wamena coffee tends to be lower.
Papua wamena coffee is known to have a balanced and smooth taste. The
resulting aroma is quite fragrant brown and floral, medium body, medium
sweetness, and low acidity. In addition, this type also produces flavor notes
that tend to be earthy with a herbal sensation and a smokey aftertaste.Papua
wamena coffee taste is very unique because Indonesian coffee rarely has a
floral sensation. Many graders argue that the appearance of this aroma is
influenced by planting conditions that do not use any pesticides and chemical
Kemasan : Exclusive Flat Bottom Pouch
100% Kopi Arabika Papua Wamena
Netto 200 gram
Flavore notes : caramel, chocolate, complex flavore, floral, herbs
Aroma : Caramel, honey like chocolate,
Acidity : light
Body : medium
Aftertaste : clean
*Cupping SCAA standard
*Cara brewing menentukan taste profile
Biji untuk penyimpanan lebih lama dan digiling sendiri sebelum digunakan
Giling kasar/coarse untuk french press, cold brew, chemex
Giling sedang/medium untuk syphon, aeropress, pour over (kalita, v60), vietnam drip
Giling halus/fine untuk mokapot, turkish, ibrik, tubruk
Selamat menikmati :)
#KopiArabika #V60 #DripCoffee #ArutalaCoffee #KopiTubruk #Mokapot #FrenchPress #V60 #ManualBrew
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