2kg 1pc beef Cuberoll Scotch Fillet RIBEYE LIP-ON frozen USDA US CHOICE Blue Ribbon 1/3 CUT SMALL ROAST

2kg 1pc beef Cuberoll Scotch Fillet RIBEYE LIP-ON frozen USDA US CHOICE Blue Ribbon 1/3 CUT SMALL ROAST
sku: 13116731517
Shipping from: Indonesia
PACKAGING : PORTIONED CUTS / SHARED ITEM, re-vacuumed plastic pack
QUALITY equals to wagyu beef marbling 3-5 because they have MARBLING (intramuscular fat) fat that is located between and within muscle fibers, the fat that makes the meat tender for grilling.
SIZE: BIGGER 20-40% compared to beef from other countries i.e whole cut of US sirloin is 8kg while the Australian is around 5kg.
COLOUR pinkish compared to other beef breeds, very juicy and tender if you grill it up to medium well.
CAUTION !!! Most US beef cuts contain fat as you can see from the pictures including the tenderloin
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Berat produk daging bervariasi, berat tercantum adalah berat rata2. Jika berat yang kami kirimkan kurang dari angka diatas maka kelebihan uang akan kami kembalikan tunai yang akan dimasukan ke dalam paket atau transfer bank / e-wallet.
Produk daging yang kami suplai FAST MOVING dengan omset yang baik. Kami menerima pasokan secara teratur dan langsung dari supplier utama / importir. Kami telah melakukan ini selama bertahun-tahun dan membangun bisnis kami di atas KEJUJURAN.
PACKAGING UNTUK PENGIRIMAN : diberi es batu di plastik, pakai karton dan dilakban rapat sekeliling karton.
Real product's pictures.
Price is for weight/quantity according to the name of this item.
The Weight of meat products is varied; this item weight is the average weight, if the weight we send is less than the above number, we will return the excess cash which we will put in the package or bank / e-wallet money transfer.
Meat products we supply are generally FAST MOVING, and with good turnover, we are receiving fresh supply regularly and directly from main suppliers / importers. We have been doing this for years and have built our business on HONESTY.
PACKAGING FOR DELIVERY : in a properly-sealed carton box with extra ice blocks.
Keep frozen -18°C, cook immediately a maximum of 2 days after thawing.
The best way to defrost frozen meat is to slowly place them in the chiller (fridge) overnight. Before grilling / cooking, take them out of the fridge till fully defrosted,
AVERAGE TIME TO FULLY DEFROSTED FROZEN MEAT HAVING REACHED ROOM TEMPERATURE (not cold anymore); Steak cuts 2-3 hours, whole cut meat 3-5kg 4-8 hours, lamb carcass 13-15 kg need a good whole day.
DEFROSTING MEAT WITH A MICROWAVE IS NOT RECOMMENDED! Why? because microwaving the frozen meat actually makes it partly cooked especially at the surface and you will lose the juice. For fast defrosting; without removing from the plastic, soak the meat in cold water or rinse it under running water until it is completely thawed. Cook immediately after melting completely.
DO NOT REFREEZE DEFROSTED MEAT! Why? If it thaws and refreezes, this will be compromised and molds will grow on it which are harmless although it's not a good look and tastes no good.
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