2023 new women bags hobo handbag fashion shopping satchels bags glossy patent leather crossbody messenger bags luxury designer bags sell

2023 new women bags hobo handbag fashion shopping satchels bags glossy patent leather crossbody messenger bags luxury designer bags sell
sku: 891432751
5,355.09 руб.
Shipping from: China
this bags have logo,like original.but we could not show in the pictures, you can ask us for more detailed pictures before placing your order. excellent workmanship on the whole bag and stitches makes it look very gorgeous high grade quality strap metal chain and good patters logos they look the same as original bags , vogue and grace noble. the bag can be used as a handbag or as a cross-body or shoulder bag. the strap can also be adjusted. it is versatile and practical, suitable for all kinds of women's temperament. due to the different lightand monitor setting. minor color difference maybe existed. please understandand thank you very much wholesale a variety of different european styles of branded wallet,card wallet, purse , accept mixed.syi
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