2023 designer bags by the pool mini bumbag gradient monograms empreinte leather pattern women designer luxurys crossbody printed with a grad

2023 designer bags by the pool mini bumbag gradient monograms empreinte leather pattern women designer luxurys crossbody printed with a grad
sku: 855213361
Shipping from: China
1.our bags are directly supplied from the factories. 2.the bags seem to have slight threads, paint spills, glue, and have a small color difference under different lighting. this is normal. dont accept dispute if these problem. 3.in order to avoid customs issues, the bag does not come with og box, it may be squeezed during shipping.if you really need box,please contact us and pay for it. 4.due to different production batches, the size may have a deviation of 1-3 cm,dont accept dispute if size problem. 5.before order ,i need to let you know all the bags in our store are imitation brand ,not real. if you mind, please dont order it ,we dont accept dispute about brand, thank you..syi
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