2022 large capacity handbag fashion female leather designer shoulder bag female handbag handle female shopping bag luxury designer bags 4581, Red;black

2022 large capacity handbag fashion female leather designer shoulder bag female handbag handle female shopping bag luxury designer bags 4581, Red;black
sku: 759995282
Shipping from: China
the real object is the same as that shown in the video. please feel to purchase. if you need pictures of the real object, please contact me handmade in our own factory. quality assurance, we will carefully check the quality of each product before shipment. we are committed to making every order, so we will ensure the perfect quality of every bag before it is sent out.if you have any questions, please contact me.syi
   Technical Details
Age Group: adult
Color: Black;Red
gender: unisex
_GoogleCategoryID: 6551
   Price history chart & currency exchange rate

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