2022 fashion casual retro shoulder bag women's genuine leather solid color messenger v-shaped padded chain bag

2022 fashion casual retro shoulder bag women's genuine leather solid color messenger v-shaped padded chain bag
sku: 764414236
13,354.23 руб.
Shipping from: China
if the item is not as described or has quality issues, buyers can return the item for a refund within 7 days from the date of receipt. buyers need to bear the return according to the situation welcome we are quality sellers from china. we mainly deal in various suitcases. they have the highest quality and on the entire platform. welcome to buy~ we have our own factory, if you have other bags you like, you can also send us pictures by private message, we will find the bag you need as soon as possible and provide an affordable price for you if you need real pictures of the product or more information about the product, please contact us by private message first, thank you, we will give you the product information and pictures you want we are a company that pays attention to product quality, and the price discounts are great..syi
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