201ggffg Baileys Coffee Capsules By Podista - Nespresso Compatible - Original Ds20X11

201ggffg Baileys Coffee Capsules By Podista - Nespresso Compatible - Original Ds20X11
артикул: 13702112550
Доставка из: Индонезия
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Available variants:
Original - best before date: 22 February 2023
Mocha - best before date: 22 April 2023
Infused with the sumptuous character of Baileys Original Irish Cream, this is an absurdly delicious Nespresso* compatible coffee pod / capsule with a hint of Baileys flavour. Velvety smooth, wonderfully creamy and brimming with luxury, this milky coffee will delight your senses.
Ingredients: Freshly ground roasted coffee beans with Baileys flavour (0.01% alcohol).
Indulgent Baileys Affogato.
1. Take 2 scoops of vanilla ice cream.
2. Pour over a 40ml shot of the Baileys flavour coffee.
3. Fresh cold milk (40 50ml).
4. Top off with dark bitter chocolate shavings.
Semua pesanan yang masuk dibawah jam 18.00 akan dikirim dihari yang sama, selain itu akan masuk pengiriman esok hari. Happy shoping :)
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