No book forecast the financial turmoil in 2002-03 and 2007-08 as early and in as much detail as the first and second editions of Bob Prechter's Conquer the Crash. It became a New York Times bestseller. More than 100,000 people read it in time to protect their wealth. Conquer the Crash foresaw and explained the debt crisis, collapse in home prices, the two-bear-market-in-one-decade stock declines, the demise of Fannie and Freddie, the Federal Reserve's failure to turn the trend, and lots more. Conquer the Crash 3rd edition is a book-length forecast that's still coming true -- only some of the future has caught up with the specific predictions Prechter published. There is much more to come, which is why it remains your best resource for practical "How To," "What To" and "Should You" advice to help you survive and prosper in this long-term bear market. If you own an earlier edition, you already know it was a financial lifesaver in 2002 and 2007. Yet as 2014-2015 unfold, the third edition will prove itself the most imperative of all. No investment volume can match the fearless candor of Prechter's analysis regarding the months and years ahead. You can (and should) get your hands on Conquer the Crash immediately. As Bob explains in the book, bear markets are much shorter affairs than bull markets. They bring the kind of destruction that can ruin anyone who ignores the warning signs. It can take decades – not years – to recoup losses. It's more important than ever to take action now.