➼➳✿✯ Basic White Acrylic Paint 250ml by MAKERS

➼➳✿✯ Basic White Acrylic Paint 250ml by MAKERS
sku: 23959649112
Shipping from: Indonesia

➼➳✿✯ Basic White Acrylic Paint 250ml by MAKERS SH-30-10-23 MAKERS Acrylic Paint is a range of medium body artist quality acrylic paints. They can be applied with any painting tool, either straight from the container or thinned with water and can be brushed out flat or altered with mediums to create textured impasto work. MAKERS can be mixed with other brands of acrylic paint and due to the excellent bonding properties and can be applied to most surfaces with excellent intensity, flexibility, and permanence. MAKERS Acrylics and Pouring range are formulated and manufactured in Indonesia from suppliers who share our ethical principles and objectives. By sourcing locally we are becoming Indonesia’s leading artist acrylic paint manufacturer offering quality paints at an affordable price. The manufacturing process strives to be ECO friendly and involves no animal testing whatsoever. 250ml.Plastic bottle.Flip off lid. Safe for : Kanvas/ Papan Lukis, Tembok, Sepatu, Kain, Denim, Blacu, Kulit, Tanah liat/ Keramik, Kaca, Kardus/ Kertas. - Fast respon jam kerja Senin - Sabtu pukul 8.00 - 16.00, Minggu atau hari libur Off - Mohon mencantumkan warna/gambar/varian pilihan dan cadangannya (jika ada) di kolom pemesanan ya. Jika tidak mencantumkan pilihan, maka akan kami kirimkan sesuai stok yang ready!!! - Pengiriman pada Hari yang sama (malamnya). - Jika barang yang di pesan kosong dan tidak ada respon selama 1x24 jam maka akan di kirim secara random. - Periksa kembali NOMOR HP (TELP) & ALAMAT LENGKAP. Guna mempercepat dan memperlancar pengiriman. - BARANG YANG SUDAH DI BELI TIDAK BISA DI KEMBALIKAN. - Gudang kita ada di Beberapa Alamat Jabodetabek... Jadi pengiriman tidak selalu sesuai alamat toko ini yaaa.. >>>> MEMBELI = SETUJU

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