Тэн для стиральной машины 2000W Gorenje 519037
![Тэн для стиральной машины 2000W Gorenje 519037](http://images.prom.ua/CLAdC0N2VVvHtbtJNEp7Ptlst48jPLFk14l17kS5VAI=/3564947514_w640_h640_ten-dlya-stiralnoj.jpg)
sku: 1529231178
295.00 грн.
Shipping from: Ukraine
Тэн для стиральной машины - Gorenje 519037
Производитель - Gorenje
Мощность - 2000W
Наличие термодатчика - нет
Вид уплотнительной резины - с бортиком
Длина - 240 мм.
Совместимые модели:
Gorenje 056.214-0 635157 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje 105E 605820 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje 125BE 605823 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje 125E 605821 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje 125RE 605824 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje 125SE 605825 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje 145E 605822 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje 145EE 605826 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje AS40 605788 PS051/120 00 Gorenje AS450 605101 PS051/12A 00 Gorenje BAW1101 605852 PS104/11L 00 Gorenje BAW1201 635226 PS145/11L 00 Gorenje BAW1300 605711 PS145/11L 00 Gorenje BAW1301 605853 PS145/11L 00 Gorenje BAW1501S 605854 PS146/11L 00 Gorenje BMW1000 635180 PS104/11P 00 Gorenje BMW1100 635181 PS145/11L 00 Gorenje BMW1300 635182 PS145/11L 00 Gorenje BWM1000 635180 PS104/11L 00 Gorenje BWM1100 635181 PS145/11L 00 Gorenje BWM1300 635182 PS145/11L 00 Gorenje CL1100 635156 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje CL400 635154 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje CL550 635155 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje D2060T 635081 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje EA1341 605996 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje FLB120X 635069 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje FLB41X 635066 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje FLB61X 635067 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje FLB91X 635068 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje FWM1111 605800 PS104/11L 00 Gorenje FWM411 605798 PS051/110 00 Gorenje FWM512 605799 PS052/11H 00 Gorenje G-3161 555997 PS051/110 00 Gorenje G-ML4600 605049 PS051/12O 00 Gorenje G-WA 1022S 605179 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje G-WA 400 605185 PS051/12O 00 Gorenje G-WA1001 555872 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje G-WA1001OPB 605806 PS104/120 00 Gorenje G-WA1002 605137 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje G-WA1002B 605752 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje G-WA1002E 635006 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje G-WA1002GN 605755 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje G-WA1002R 605751 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje G-WA1002S 605753 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje G-WA1022 605178 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje G-WA1201 605807 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje G-WA1222 605180 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje G-WA1222S 605181 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje G-WA1300 545725 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje G-WA1320 555836 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje G-WA1520 555837 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje G-WA1522 605182 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje G-WA1522S 605183 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje G-WA1522SE 605750 PS146/12G 00 Gorenje G-WA400 545721 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje G-WA800 545722 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje G-WA822 605177 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje G2061 605161 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje G2062L 635076 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje G2261 605160 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje G2561 SL 605159 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje GW1001 605789 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje GW1001 605803 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje GW1042 635219 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje GW110TW 545662 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje GW1242 SSX 635218 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje GW1242SSX 635218 PS145/12G 00 Gorenje GW130TW 545663 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje GW152TW 545719 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje GW40T 545658 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje GW40T1 605130 PS051/12A 00 Gorenje GW41 605124 PS051/12O 00 Gorenje GW41T 605125 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje GW60 545659 PS052/110 00 Gorenje GW60T 545660 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje GW60TE 605145 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje GW65T 605128 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje GW80TW 545661 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje GW80TWE 605767 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje GW842 635220 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje GWA1002GB 605754 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje GWA1300 605163 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje KL402ENL 545638 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje KL603ENL 545639 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje KLS1200E 605703 PS155/120 00 Gorenje KWS111 635183 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje KWS210 605923 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje KWS211 635184 PS145711G 00 Gorenje KWS400 635084 PS051/120 00 Gorenje KWS401 635085 PS051/12A 00 Gorenje KWS410 605924 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje KWS411 635185 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje KWS411BL 635217 PS146/12G 00 Gorenje KWS411E 635186 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje KWS600 635086 PS052/12H 00 Gorenje L454XT 635089 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje L900BXT 635092 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje L904VXT 635091 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje LC100 605832 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje LC120 605833 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje LC40 605828 PS051/110 00 Gorenje LC43 605829 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje LC50 605830 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje LC80 605831 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje LD5001T 605127 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje LD5002 605126 PS051/120 00 Gorenje MF1200XT 605003 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje MF1200XTSI 605708 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje MF600XT 605146 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje MF900XT 605827 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje MFX1201 635057 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje MFX1201S 635058 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje MFX601 635055 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje MFX901 635056 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje ML10500 635024 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje ML1100SG 605714 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje ML12000 545665 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje ML12500 635025 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje ML4600 545010 PS051/120 00 Gorenje ML4700 635020 PS051/120 00 Gorenje ML4701N 635234 PS051/120 00 Gorenje ML5400 555710 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje ML5600 555838 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje ML610SG 605713 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje ML6600 635021 PS052/120 00 Gorenje ML8600 635022 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje ML9000 605129 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje ML9100 635023 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje NO.0001 605935 PS146/11N 00 Gorenje OKO 1070 605720 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje OKO 1070 605721 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje OKO1070 605147 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje OKO1070 605719 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje OKO1170 555799 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje OKO1170 605957 PS145/12G 00 Gorenje OKO1170 605958 PS145/12G 00 Gorenje OKO1170 635142 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje OKO1170 635143 PS145/12G 00 Gorenje OKO1170 635144 PS145/12G 00 Gorenje OKO1170 635145 PS145/12G 00 Gorenje OKO1370 555800 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje OKO1370 635146 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje OKO1570 635147 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje PANDA450 605100 PS051/12A 00 Gorenje PANDA650 605131 PS052/12A 00 Gorenje PS812NS 605032 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje TM1001USW 605814 PS104/11A 00 Gorenje TM110SW 605122 PS104/12O 00 Gorenje TM110USW 605815 PS104/12A 00 Gorenje VENUS VW550 605111 PS052/110 00 Gorenje VENUS VW600 605722 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje W1000 605792 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje W1200 605793 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje W1400 605794 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA 1250 605197 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA 931S 605194 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA0151 555981 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1001 545689 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1001 605113 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1001 635123 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1001B 605738 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje WA1001BL 635070 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje WA1001E 605760 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje WA1001G 605842 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje WA1001LBL 635124 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje WA1001LG 635125 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje WA1001ML 635126 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje WA1001N 605109 PS104/12O 00 Gorenje WA1001PB 605117 PS104/12O 00 Gorenje WA1001PB 605736 PS104/120 00 Gorenje WA1001R 605737 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje WA1001UXL 605811 PS104/11A 00 Gorenje WA1001UXLN 635189 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1001Y 635071 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje WA1002UXL 605802 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1011D 605152 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1012BL 605928 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje WA1022 605105 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1022BL 605850 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje WA1022S 605000 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1022Y 605851 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje WA1040 635153 PS104/11A 00 Gorenje WA1040N 635206 PS104/11A 00 Gorenje WA1041 605891 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1041 635150 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1042 605894 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1042S 605895 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1051X 545652 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1070 605983 PS104/11A 00 Gorenje WA1070N 635199 PS104/11A 00 Gorenje WA1072 605984 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1072N 635200 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA110 605775 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA110 635050 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1101PB 605133 PS104/12O 00 Gorenje WA110E 605971 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA110SL 605132 PS104/12A 00 Gorenje WA110USL 605813 PS104/12A 00 Gorenje WA1111 605190 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1112 545575 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1112 545645 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1112USL 605812 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1113 605026 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1113HB 635224 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1113HELL BLAU 635224 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1113HELL GRUN 635223 PS145//11G 00 Gorenje WA1113HG 635223 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1122S 555905 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1131S 605173 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1140S 605979 PS104/11A 00 Gorenje WA1140SN 635195 PS104/11A 00 Gorenje WA1142 605995 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1142S 635137 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1172 605985 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1172N 635201 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA12001E 605761 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje WA1201 545564 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1201 555505 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1201 605930 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1201 545552 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1201 605114 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1201BLS 635072 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje WA1201N 605110 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1201T 555835 PS145/11F 00 Gorenje WA1201XL 545508 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1201XL PROF 605192 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1201XLN 635190 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1201YS 635073 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje WA1202 545418 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1202 545565 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1202E 605845 PS145/12G 00 Gorenje WA1210 545650 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1211D 605153 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1211ED 605763 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje WA1212BL 605929 PS145/12G 00 Gorenje WA1212BL 635128 PS145/12G 00 Gorenje WA1221S 605112 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1222S 605001 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1222S 605118 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1222S 635011 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1222S 635045 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1241 635036 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1241S 605980 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1241S 635037 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1241S 635151 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1242 605892 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1242S 605896 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1250 605169 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1250 605170 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1270 635207 PS145/11A 00 Gorenje WA1271N PROF 635202 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1271PROF 605986 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA130 605776 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1312SL 545509 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA132 635359 PS155/130 00 Gorenje WA132 605777 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA132 635051 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1322S 555906 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1323S 605120 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1323SEN 635191 PS145/12G 00 Gorenje WA1331S 605174 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1341 635004 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1341S 635138 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1341TS 605981 PS145/11F 00 Gorenje WA1341TSN 635197 PS145/11F 00 Gorenje WA1371S 605987 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1372SN 635203 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1401 545566 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1401BLS 635074 PS146/12E 00 Gorenje WA1401E 605762 PS146/12E 00 Gorenje WA1401S 605115 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1401XL 545510 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1401YS 635075 PS146/12E 00 Gorenje WA1402 545419 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1411 545717 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1411DS 605154 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1422 605107 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1422S 605027 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1422S 605119 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1441S 635152 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1442 605897 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1442S 605898 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1451X 545653 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1471 605988 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1471N 635204 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA150 605778 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1511 555527 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1512 545579 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1512S 555857 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1512SL 545511 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA152 605779 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1521S 605121 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1522S 555907 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1522S 635012 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1531S 605175 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1541 605997 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1541 635005 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1541S 605982 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1541S 635139 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1550 605172 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1571 605989 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1571N 635205 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1580 605171 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA2001 605797 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA2200 635148 PS155/120 00 Gorenje WA2200 605795 PS155/120 00 Gorenje WA22S 605764 PS155/120 00 Gorenje WA23SS 605034 PS155/12O 00 Gorenje WA24S 635013 PS156/120 00 Gorenje WA2500 635149 PS156/120 00 Gorenje WA2500 605796 PS156/120 00 Gorenje WA40 605770 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA401 545557 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA401 545811 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA401 555904 PS051/12O 00 Gorenje WA401 605709 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA401 605756 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA401 605790 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA401A 635231 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA401A 605841 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA401P 605102 PS051/12O 00 Gorenje WA401P 605140 PS051/12O 00 Gorenje WA401PB 605142 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA401PBL 635119 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA401PY 605931 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA402 545532 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA402 555500 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA403 545558 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA403 605156 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA403 605712 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA40T 605771 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA411 545568 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA411 605187 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA411 605195 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA411R 555752 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA411R 605186 PS051/12O 00 Gorenje WA412 545569 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA412 605723 PS051/12A 00 Gorenje WA412 605768 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA412 605974 PS051/12A 00 Gorenje WA412R 605726 PS051/12A 00 Gorenje WA413 545764 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA413 605757 PS051/12A 00 Gorenje WA413 605839 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA41N 635233 SP051/110 00 Gorenje WA423 605103 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA441 605887 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA441 605976 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA441 605990 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA441 605998 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA441N 635192 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA442 605999 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA442R 635135 PS051/11AR 00 Gorenje WA443 605888 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA501 605735 PS052/110 00 Gorenje WA501 605791 PS052/110 00 Gorenje WA502 545550 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA503 605758 PS60.60 00 Gorenje WA503 545533 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA511 635029 PS052/110 00 Gorenje WA511 605704 PS052/110 00 Gorenje WA512 545570 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA512 605188 PS052/12A 00 Gorenje WA512 605196 PS052/12A 00 Gorenje WA512 605705 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA513 605769 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA513 605840 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA513R 555753 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA541 605992 PS052/110 00 Gorenje WA541 635000 PS052/110 00 Gorenje WA543 635165 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA543 635001 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA543 605993 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA60 605772 PS052/110 00 Gorenje WA60T 605773 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA613 605053 PS052/12H 00 Gorenje WA801 545560 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA801P 605123 PS103/12O 00 Gorenje WA801PB 605116 PS103/120 00 Gorenje WA801PB 605141 PS103/12O 00 Gorenje WA801UXL 605809 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA802 605734 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA802 635120 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA802B 605844 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA802LBL 635121 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA802LG 635122 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA802R 605843 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA80U 605808 PS103/12A 00 Gorenje WA811 605706 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA821S 605787 PS103/12A 00 Gorenje WA822 605104 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA822 605966 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA822BL 605739 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA822BL 635031 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA822D 605741 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA822D 635033 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA822G 605742 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA822G 635034 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA822R 605740 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA822R 635032 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA822Y 605743 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA822Y 635035 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA841 605890 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA841PB 605889 PS103/110 00 Gorenje WA842 605893 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA90 605774 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA901UXL 605810 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA904RX 545731 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA904X 535782 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA904X 545730 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA906X 535781 PS052/12A 00 Gorenje WA906X 545732 PS052/12A 00 Gorenje WA909NYS 545758 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA909X 535780 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA909XN 545527 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA911 545572 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA911 605189 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA911 605786 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA911X 535779 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA911XN 545528 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA911YS 545787 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA912 545573 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA913X 535778 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA913XN 545529 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA915X 535777 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA915XN 545530 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA940 605977 PS103/11A 00 Gorenje WA940N 635193 PS103/11A 00 Gorenje WA941 605978 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA941N 635194 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA942 635002 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA942 605994 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA942S 635049 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA942S 635136 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA955 605168 PS103/12A 00 Gorenje WF0830G 545819 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WF0840N 605781 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WF0843N 635212 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WF0843N021 635212 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WF1030G 605136 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WF1040N 605782 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WF1043N 635213 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WF1043N026 635213 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WF1230N 605727 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WF1240N 605783 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WF1243N 635214 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WF1243N014 635214 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WF1440N 605784 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WF1443N017 635215 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WF1445N 635215 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WF1543N 635216 PS146/12GF 00 Gorenje WF1543N030 635053 PS146/12G 00 Gorenje WF1543N031 635216 PS146/12G 00 Gorenje WLB61.1 605904 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WM906 555999 PS052/12A 00 Gorenje WM909 555982 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WWA402 555751 PS051/11A 00
Производитель - Gorenje
Мощность - 2000W
Наличие термодатчика - нет
Вид уплотнительной резины - с бортиком
Длина - 240 мм.
Совместимые модели:
Gorenje 056.214-0 635157 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje 105E 605820 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje 125BE 605823 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje 125E 605821 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje 125RE 605824 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje 125SE 605825 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje 145E 605822 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje 145EE 605826 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje AS40 605788 PS051/120 00 Gorenje AS450 605101 PS051/12A 00 Gorenje BAW1101 605852 PS104/11L 00 Gorenje BAW1201 635226 PS145/11L 00 Gorenje BAW1300 605711 PS145/11L 00 Gorenje BAW1301 605853 PS145/11L 00 Gorenje BAW1501S 605854 PS146/11L 00 Gorenje BMW1000 635180 PS104/11P 00 Gorenje BMW1100 635181 PS145/11L 00 Gorenje BMW1300 635182 PS145/11L 00 Gorenje BWM1000 635180 PS104/11L 00 Gorenje BWM1100 635181 PS145/11L 00 Gorenje BWM1300 635182 PS145/11L 00 Gorenje CL1100 635156 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje CL400 635154 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje CL550 635155 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje D2060T 635081 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje EA1341 605996 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje FLB120X 635069 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje FLB41X 635066 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje FLB61X 635067 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje FLB91X 635068 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje FWM1111 605800 PS104/11L 00 Gorenje FWM411 605798 PS051/110 00 Gorenje FWM512 605799 PS052/11H 00 Gorenje G-3161 555997 PS051/110 00 Gorenje G-ML4600 605049 PS051/12O 00 Gorenje G-WA 1022S 605179 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje G-WA 400 605185 PS051/12O 00 Gorenje G-WA1001 555872 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje G-WA1001OPB 605806 PS104/120 00 Gorenje G-WA1002 605137 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje G-WA1002B 605752 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje G-WA1002E 635006 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje G-WA1002GN 605755 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje G-WA1002R 605751 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje G-WA1002S 605753 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje G-WA1022 605178 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje G-WA1201 605807 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje G-WA1222 605180 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje G-WA1222S 605181 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje G-WA1300 545725 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje G-WA1320 555836 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje G-WA1520 555837 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje G-WA1522 605182 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje G-WA1522S 605183 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje G-WA1522SE 605750 PS146/12G 00 Gorenje G-WA400 545721 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje G-WA800 545722 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje G-WA822 605177 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje G2061 605161 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje G2062L 635076 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje G2261 605160 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje G2561 SL 605159 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje GW1001 605789 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje GW1001 605803 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje GW1042 635219 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje GW110TW 545662 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje GW1242 SSX 635218 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje GW1242SSX 635218 PS145/12G 00 Gorenje GW130TW 545663 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje GW152TW 545719 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje GW40T 545658 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje GW40T1 605130 PS051/12A 00 Gorenje GW41 605124 PS051/12O 00 Gorenje GW41T 605125 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje GW60 545659 PS052/110 00 Gorenje GW60T 545660 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje GW60TE 605145 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje GW65T 605128 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje GW80TW 545661 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje GW80TWE 605767 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje GW842 635220 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje GWA1002GB 605754 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje GWA1300 605163 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje KL402ENL 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PS145/11E 00 Gorenje MFX1201S 635058 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje MFX601 635055 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje MFX901 635056 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje ML10500 635024 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje ML1100SG 605714 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje ML12000 545665 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje ML12500 635025 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje ML4600 545010 PS051/120 00 Gorenje ML4700 635020 PS051/120 00 Gorenje ML4701N 635234 PS051/120 00 Gorenje ML5400 555710 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje ML5600 555838 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje ML610SG 605713 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje ML6600 635021 PS052/120 00 Gorenje ML8600 635022 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje ML9000 605129 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje ML9100 635023 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje NO.0001 605935 PS146/11N 00 Gorenje OKO 1070 605720 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje OKO 1070 605721 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje OKO1070 605147 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje OKO1070 605719 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje OKO1170 555799 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje OKO1170 605957 PS145/12G 00 Gorenje OKO1170 605958 PS145/12G 00 Gorenje OKO1170 635142 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje OKO1170 635143 PS145/12G 00 Gorenje OKO1170 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Gorenje WA1001ML 635126 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje WA1001N 605109 PS104/12O 00 Gorenje WA1001PB 605117 PS104/12O 00 Gorenje WA1001PB 605736 PS104/120 00 Gorenje WA1001R 605737 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje WA1001UXL 605811 PS104/11A 00 Gorenje WA1001UXLN 635189 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1001Y 635071 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje WA1002UXL 605802 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1011D 605152 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1012BL 605928 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje WA1022 605105 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1022BL 605850 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje WA1022S 605000 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1022Y 605851 PS104/12E 00 Gorenje WA1040 635153 PS104/11A 00 Gorenje WA1040N 635206 PS104/11A 00 Gorenje WA1041 605891 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1041 635150 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1042 605894 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1042S 605895 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1051X 545652 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1070 605983 PS104/11A 00 Gorenje WA1070N 635199 PS104/11A 00 Gorenje WA1072 605984 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1072N 635200 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA110 605775 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA110 635050 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1101PB 605133 PS104/12O 00 Gorenje WA110E 605971 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA110SL 605132 PS104/12A 00 Gorenje WA110USL 605813 PS104/12A 00 Gorenje WA1111 605190 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1112 545575 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1112 545645 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1112USL 605812 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1113 605026 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1113HB 635224 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1113HELL BLAU 635224 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1113HELL GRUN 635223 PS145//11G 00 Gorenje WA1113HG 635223 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1122S 555905 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1131S 605173 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1140S 605979 PS104/11A 00 Gorenje WA1140SN 635195 PS104/11A 00 Gorenje WA1142 605995 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1142S 635137 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1172 605985 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA1172N 635201 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA12001E 605761 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje WA1201 545564 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1201 555505 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1201 605930 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1201 545552 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1201 605114 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1201BLS 635072 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje WA1201N 605110 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1201T 555835 PS145/11F 00 Gorenje WA1201XL 545508 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1201XL PROF 605192 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1201XLN 635190 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1201YS 635073 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje WA1202 545418 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1202 545565 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1202E 605845 PS145/12G 00 Gorenje WA1210 545650 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1211D 605153 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1211ED 605763 PS145/12E 00 Gorenje WA1212BL 605929 PS145/12G 00 Gorenje WA1212BL 635128 PS145/12G 00 Gorenje WA1221S 605112 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1222S 605001 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1222S 605118 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1222S 635011 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1222S 635045 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1241 635036 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1241S 605980 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1241S 635037 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1241S 635151 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1242 605892 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1242S 605896 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1250 605169 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1250 605170 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1270 635207 PS145/11A 00 Gorenje WA1271N PROF 635202 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1271PROF 605986 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA130 605776 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1312SL 545509 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA132 635359 PS155/130 00 Gorenje WA132 605777 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA132 635051 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1322S 555906 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1323S 605120 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1323SEN 635191 PS145/12G 00 Gorenje WA1331S 605174 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1341 635004 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1341S 635138 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA1341TS 605981 PS145/11F 00 Gorenje WA1341TSN 635197 PS145/11F 00 Gorenje WA1371S 605987 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1372SN 635203 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WA1401 545566 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1401BLS 635074 PS146/12E 00 Gorenje WA1401E 605762 PS146/12E 00 Gorenje WA1401S 605115 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1401XL 545510 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1401YS 635075 PS146/12E 00 Gorenje WA1402 545419 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1411 545717 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1411DS 605154 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1422 605107 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1422S 605027 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1422S 605119 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1441S 635152 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1442 605897 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1442S 605898 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1451X 545653 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1471 605988 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1471N 635204 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA150 605778 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1511 555527 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1512 545579 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1512S 555857 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1512SL 545511 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA152 605779 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1521S 605121 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1522S 555907 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1522S 635012 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1531S 605175 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1541 605997 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1541 635005 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1541S 605982 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1541S 635139 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1550 605172 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA1571 605989 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1571N 635205 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA1580 605171 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WA2001 605797 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA2200 635148 PS155/120 00 Gorenje WA2200 605795 PS155/120 00 Gorenje WA22S 605764 PS155/120 00 Gorenje WA23SS 605034 PS155/12O 00 Gorenje WA24S 635013 PS156/120 00 Gorenje WA2500 635149 PS156/120 00 Gorenje WA2500 605796 PS156/120 00 Gorenje WA40 605770 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA401 545557 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA401 545811 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA401 555904 PS051/12O 00 Gorenje WA401 605709 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA401 605756 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA401 605790 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA401A 635231 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA401A 605841 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA401P 605102 PS051/12O 00 Gorenje WA401P 605140 PS051/12O 00 Gorenje WA401PB 605142 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA401PBL 635119 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA401PY 605931 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA402 545532 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA402 555500 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA403 545558 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA403 605156 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA403 605712 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA40T 605771 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA411 545568 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA411 605187 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA411 605195 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA411R 555752 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA411R 605186 PS051/12O 00 Gorenje WA412 545569 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA412 605723 PS051/12A 00 Gorenje WA412 605768 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA412 605974 PS051/12A 00 Gorenje WA412R 605726 PS051/12A 00 Gorenje WA413 545764 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA413 605757 PS051/12A 00 Gorenje WA413 605839 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA41N 635233 SP051/110 00 Gorenje WA423 605103 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA441 605887 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA441 605976 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA441 605990 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA441 605998 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA441N 635192 PS051/110 00 Gorenje WA442 605999 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA442R 635135 PS051/11AR 00 Gorenje WA443 605888 PS051/11A 00 Gorenje WA501 605735 PS052/110 00 Gorenje WA501 605791 PS052/110 00 Gorenje WA502 545550 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA503 605758 PS60.60 00 Gorenje WA503 545533 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA511 635029 PS052/110 00 Gorenje WA511 605704 PS052/110 00 Gorenje WA512 545570 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA512 605188 PS052/12A 00 Gorenje WA512 605196 PS052/12A 00 Gorenje WA512 605705 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA513 605769 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA513 605840 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA513R 555753 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA541 605992 PS052/110 00 Gorenje WA541 635000 PS052/110 00 Gorenje WA543 635165 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA543 635001 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA543 605993 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA60 605772 PS052/110 00 Gorenje WA60T 605773 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WA613 605053 PS052/12H 00 Gorenje WA801 545560 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA801P 605123 PS103/12O 00 Gorenje WA801PB 605116 PS103/120 00 Gorenje WA801PB 605141 PS103/12O 00 Gorenje WA801UXL 605809 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA802 605734 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA802 635120 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA802B 605844 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA802LBL 635121 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA802LG 635122 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA802R 605843 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA80U 605808 PS103/12A 00 Gorenje WA811 605706 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA821S 605787 PS103/12A 00 Gorenje WA822 605104 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA822 605966 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA822BL 605739 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA822BL 635031 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA822D 605741 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA822D 635033 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA822G 605742 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA822G 635034 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA822R 605740 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA822R 635032 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA822Y 605743 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA822Y 635035 PS103/12E 00 Gorenje WA841 605890 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA841PB 605889 PS103/110 00 Gorenje WA842 605893 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA90 605774 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA901UXL 605810 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA904RX 545731 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA904X 535782 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA904X 545730 PS051/120 00 Gorenje WA906X 535781 PS052/12A 00 Gorenje WA906X 545732 PS052/12A 00 Gorenje WA909NYS 545758 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA909X 535780 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA909XN 545527 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA911 545572 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA911 605189 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA911 605786 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA911X 535779 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA911XN 545528 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WA911YS 545787 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA912 545573 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA913X 535778 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA913XN 545529 PS145/11E 00 Gorenje WA915X 535777 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA915XN 545530 PS146/11E 00 Gorenje WA940 605977 PS103/11A 00 Gorenje WA940N 635193 PS103/11A 00 Gorenje WA941 605978 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA941N 635194 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA942 635002 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA942 605994 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA942S 635049 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA942S 635136 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WA955 605168 PS103/12A 00 Gorenje WF0830G 545819 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WF0840N 605781 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WF0843N 635212 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WF0843N021 635212 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WF1030G 605136 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WF1040N 605782 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WF1043N 635213 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WF1043N026 635213 PS104/11E 00 Gorenje WF1230N 605727 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WF1240N 605783 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WF1243N 635214 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WF1243N014 635214 PS145/11G 00 Gorenje WF1440N 605784 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WF1443N017 635215 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WF1445N 635215 PS146/11G 00 Gorenje WF1543N 635216 PS146/12GF 00 Gorenje WF1543N030 635053 PS146/12G 00 Gorenje WF1543N031 635216 PS146/12G 00 Gorenje WLB61.1 605904 PS052/11A 00 Gorenje WM906 555999 PS052/12A 00 Gorenje WM909 555982 PS103/11E 00 Gorenje WWA402 555751 PS051/11A 00
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Производитель: | Gorenje |
Состояние: | Новое |
Страна производитель: | Италия |
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~ 498.00 грн.
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~ 355.00 грн.
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