Игровая приставка для детей и медиаплеер UNIT Nimbus, 720 встроенных игр, 16 GB, 8 и 16 бит, HDMI или RCA, microSD, Черный с подсветкой
[html]Игровая приставка для детей UNIT Nimbus + 720 встроенных игр. В игровой приставке вы найдете свои самые любимые игры:Tetris, Super Mario Bros, Super Mario Bros 2 Super Mario Bros 3, Ninja Turtles, Aladdin, Batman, Captain America и много-много других! Nimbus - эта легенда мирового игростроения подарит вам и вашему ребёнку возможность играть в любимые игры 8-бит Денди, 16-bit Sega, игры Neo-Geo, такие как Puzzle Bobble или Ninja Command, а также игры MAME (CAPCOM) - Alien vs. Predator и др. В сборник включены только полные версии игр.Со списком всех игр вы можете ознакомиться ниже, по 4 разделам (8-бит Денди, 16-bit Sega, Neo-Geo и MAME).*Другие возможности.С UNIT Nimbus можно не только играть, но и смотреть видео, фотографии, слушать музыку и даже есть возможность просматривать файлы в формате pdf.фотовидеоаудиоPDF файлыДизайн.Консоль полностью собрана и готова к работе. Специально для этой приставки разработаны современная форма корпуса со светодиодной подсветкой и эргономичные игровые джойстики. Интуитивно понятное меню с подсказками на русском языке!Характеристики: Подключение к телевизору через HDMI или RCA-кабель Воспроизведение игр с помощью встроенных эмуляторов Разрешение: 320*240 Палитра: 512 цветов Звук: стерео Разъёмы для подключения джойстиков - 2 шт. Питание: встроенный блок питания 220ВВстроенные игры: 740Поддержка карт памяти microSD и microSDHCОбъём встроенной памяти: 16 GBПроцессор: s200Комплектация (всё необходимое для подключения к ТВ и игры есть в комплекте):1 Игровая консоль - 1 шт.2 Джойстики - 2 шт.3 HDMI-кабель - 1 шт.* Список встроенных игр:Игры 8бит Денди19423 Eyes Boy3D Block720 Degrees75 BingoAbadoxAddams FamilyAdventure Island 1Adventure Island 2Adventure Island 3Adventure Island 4Adventures of Bayou BillyAdventures of Dino RikiAdventures of LoloAdventures of Lolo 2 Adventures of Rad GravityAdventures of Rocky and BullwinkleAirwolfAladdinAlien 3All-Pro basketballAntarctic AdventureArkanoidArkista's RingAstro FangAstyanaxAtlantis no NazoAttack of the Killer TomatoesBabel no TouBack to the FutureBad DudesBaldaBalloon FightBananan PrinceBarbieBartmanBatmanBatman ReturnsBattle CityBattleshipBattletoadsBattletoads Double DragonBikkuri Nekketsu Shin KirokuBinary LandBird FighterBird WeekBlaster MasterBlocks WorldBlodia Land - Puzzle QuestBlue ShadowBomb SweeperBombermanBonk's AdventureBoogermanBubble Bobble 3Bucky O'HareBugs Bunny Crazy CastleBurger TimeCaptain AmericaCaptain PlanetCastlevania 2Caveman GamesChack and PopChip and DaleChip and Dale 2Circus CharlieClu Clu LandCode Name - ViperContraContra ForceCosmic EpsilonCowboy KidCrash and the BoyCross FireCyberballDarkmanDarkwing DuckDead FoxDeblockDefender 2Devil WorldDig DugDouble Dragon 3Dr. MarioDragon SpiritDragon's LairDream MasterDrop ZoneDuckDynamite BowlElevator ActionExerionF1 CircusFelix The CatFerrariFinal MissionFire DragonFirehouse RescueFire'n IceFlappyFlinstones Flintstones 2FlipullFriday the 13thFront LineG.I.JoeGalagaGalaxianGeimosGo! Benny!GodzillaGolfGolgo 13Gorby no Pipeline DaisakusenGradiusGremlins 2Guerrilla WarGun NacGyrodineGyrussHeavy BarrelHello Kitty WorldHome Alone 2HookHoopsHot Blood MarchIce ClimberIkari 3IkkiImage FightIsolated WarriorJackie Chan'sJoe and MacJourney to SiliusKamen no Ninja - HanamaruKero Kero KeroppKick MasterKickle CubicleKing's KnightKiwi KrazeKyuukyoku TigerLegend of KageLode RunnerLone RangerLow G ManLunar PoolMad MaxMagical MathematicsMappyMappy LandMario BrosMario is Missing!Mendel PalaceMetro CrossMickey MouseMickey's AdventuresMickey's SafariMighty Bomb JackMighty Final FightMillipedeMonster in My PocketMoon CrystalMs. Pac-ManNekketsu! Street BasketNinja Gaiden 2Ninja KunNinja TurtlesNinja Turtles 2Ninja Turtles 3Ninja Turtles 4Nintendo World CupNuts & MilkOthelloPac-ManPac-ManiaPanic RestaurantPinballPipe DreamPong of WarsPopeyePower BladePower Blade 2Punch-Out!!PyramidQuarthRackets and RivalsRampartRoad FighterRobocopRobocop 2Rock 'n' BallRockin KatsSea of DreamlandSeicrossShadow of the NinjaShatter HandSky DestroyerSoap PanicSolomon's KeySon SonSpider ManSpy HunterStar WarsSuper AladdinSuper Dodge BallSuper Donkey Kong 2Super Mario BrosSuper Mario Bros 2Super Mario Bros 3Super SprintSuper Spy HunterSuper XeviousSword MasterTaito BasketballTale SpinTank 1990Tecmo World Cup SoccerTennisTerminatorTerminator 2TetrastarTetrisTetris 2Thunder and LightningTime ZoneTiny ToonTiny Toon 2TokiTom and JerryTom and Jerry 3Tom SawyerToxic CrusadersTrack and FieldTrogTrolls in CrazylandTwin EagleUgadaykaVindicatorsVolguard 3Wacky RacesWarpmanWidgetWolverineWrechking CrewWWF King of the RingXeviousYo! Noid Yoshi's CookieYoung Indiana JonesZippy Race___________________________________Игры NEO GEO3 Count BoutAggressors of Dark KombatAlpha Mission 2Andro DunosBattle Flip ShotBlue's JourneyBurning FightCrossed SwordsCyber-LipDouble DragonEightmanFatal Fury 2Ghost PilotsGhostlopGoal! Goal! Goal!GururinLast ResortLeague BowlingMagical Drop 2Magician LordMetal SlugMetal Slug XMutation NationNeo BombermanNeo Drift OutNeo Mr. DoNeoGeo Cup 98Nightmare in the DarkNinja CombatNinja CommandOvertopPanic BomberPleasure GoalPuzzle Bobble 2Puzzle De Pon!Robo ArmySamurai ShodownSengoku 2Super Dodge BallThe Last Blade___________________________________Игры Сега 16 битAbrams TankAddams Family 2Addams Family ValuesAero Blaster Aero the Acro-Bat Aero the Acro-Bat 2After Burner 2Air BattleAladdinAladdin 2Alien 3Alien SoldierAlien StormAndretti RacingAnimaniacsAriel MermaidArt AliveAsterix and the Great RescueAsterix the PowerAttack Sub 688Awesome PossumB.O.BBoxing Legends of the Ring Ball JecksBallzBarbie Super ModelBarbie Vacation AdventureBare KnuckleBare Knuckle 2Bare Knuckle 3Bass Masters ClassicBatmanBatman and RobinBatman ForeverBatman ReturnsBatman Revenge of the JokerBattle ManiaBattle SquadronBattletechBattletoadsBattletoads Double DragonBeauty and the Beast 2Beavis and Butt-HeadBelle"s QuestBimini RunBio Hazard Battle Blades of Vengeance 4Blaster Master 2 Block OutBloodshotBody CountBonanza BrosBonkersBoogermanBrutalBubba N StixBubble and SqueakBubsyBubsy 2Bug"s LifeBugs BannyBurning ForceCadashCaersas PalaceCaliber Fifty California GamesCamping AdventureCannon Fodder Captain AmericaCaptain LangCaptain PlanetCastle of IllusionCastlevania Chakan The Forever ManChampionship BowlingChampionship PoolChase HQ2Chavez 2Cheese Cat-AstropheChessmaster Chester Chectan 2Clay FighterCliffhangerClueColumns 3Doki DokiCombat CarsComix Zone CommandosContra Hard CorpsCool SpotCosmic SpaceheadCrack DownCrusader of CentyCross FireCutthroat IslandCyber-CopCyborg JusticeDaffy Duck in HollywoodDark CastleDavis Cup World TourDeath CaliberDecap AttackDeer-HunterDemolition ManDesert DemolitionDesert StrikeDick TracyDino LandDinosaurs for HireDJ BoyDominoDonald in Maui MallardDonkey KongDoom TroopersDouble DragonDouble Dragon 2Double Dragon 3DraculaDragon LeeDuke NukemDune 2Dynamite HeaddyEarnest EvansEarthworm JimEarthworm Jim 2Ecco Jr.Ecco the Dolphin IEcco the Tides of Time Eswat Eternal ChampionsExodusEX-MutantsEx-RanzaF1 World Championship F-15 Strike EagleF-22 InterceptorFantasiaFantastic DizzyFerrariFido DidoFifa 97Fifa 98Final ZoneFire SharkFlash BackFlickyFlinkForeman For RealFlintstonesFrankensteinGain GroundGalaxy Force 2GarfieldGargoylesGaudtlet 4GemfireGeneral ChaosGenerations LostGhost Busters Ghouls'N GhostsGley LancerGlobal GladoatorsGodsGolden Axe 1Golden Axe 2Golden Axe 3Goofy’s Hysterical TourGranadaGreen DogGretzky"s Hockey Grind StormerGunstar HeroesHaunting Starring PolterguyHercules 2Herzog Zwei Home Alone 2HookHumansHurricanesImmortalIncredible HulkIndiana JonesInsector XInternational Superstar Soccer DeluxeIraq War 2003Izzy's Quest for the Olympic RingsIt Game from DesertJewel MasterJoe and MacJudge DreddJunctionJungle BookJungle StrikeJurassic ParkJurassic Park Rampage KawasakiKlaxKrusty's Super FunhouseLast Action HeroLawnmower ManLegend of GalahadLemmings Triders 2Lethal EnforcersLethal Enforcers 2Lion KingLion King 2Lost VikingsLost World: Jurassic P.3Lotus 2Lotus Turbo ChallengeMagic Scool BusMagical Taruruuto-KunMarble MadnessMarko's Magic FootballMarsupilami Master of MonsterMaster of WeaponMaximum CarnageMega BombermanMega SwivMega TraxMega TurricanMega-Lo-ManiaMegapanelMercsMickey ManiaMickey's Ultimate ChallengeMicro MachinesMicro Machines 2Micro Machines Military Midnight ResistanceMighty MaxMinnesota FatsMonopoly MoonwalkerMortal KombatMortal Kombat 2Mortal Kombat 3Mortal Kombat 3 UltimateMortal Kombat 5Mr NutzMs. PacmanMulanMUSHAMutant League Hockey Mutant Leaque Football NBA 97NBA JamNHL 97 NHL 98NHL All-Star Hockey 95Nigel Mansell'sNightmare CircusOlimpic GoldOlympic Summer Games 96Operation Europe Rus OttifantsOut RunnersOutRun 2019Pac-AttackPac-Man 2Pac-ManiaPagemasterPanic on Funkotron Paperboy 2Phantom 2040 Pica-PauPink Goes to HollywoodPinocchioPirates of Dark WaterPitfallPocahontasPopulous 2 Power Monger Power Rangers 2 Movie Predator 2Primal RagePrince of PersiaPrince of Persia 2PRO-AM ChampionshipPsycho PinballPuggsyPulsemanPunisherPuyo Puyo TsuPyramid MagicPyramid Magic IIIQuack ShotRadical RexRaibow IslandsRaiden TradRampart Rastan Saga 2Real Monsters Ren and Stimpy'sRevolution-XRichard Scarry's BusytownRise of the Robots Risky WoodsRistarRoad BlastersRoad RashRoad Rash 2Road Rash 3 RoboCop 3Robocop vs TerminatorRock n' Roll RacingRocket Knight AdventuresRockman Mega WorldRockman X3Rocky and Bullwinke Rolling Thunder 2Rolling Thunder 3Rolo to the RescueRunarkS.S. Lucifer Man SagaiaSampras Tennis Samurai SpiritsScooby DooSea QuestSecond SamuraiShadow BlasterShadow DancerShadow of the BeastShadow RunShanghai 2Shaq FuShining ForceShining Force 2Shinobi 3 MasterShove It!Side PocketSimpsons Bart MutantsSimpsons Barts NightmareSkeleton KrewSkitchinSlap FightSmash TVSmurfsSnake Rattle 'n' RollSnow BrosSoldiers of FortuneSonic & KnucklesSonic SpinballSonic the HedgehogSonic the Hedgehog 2Sonic the Hedgehog 3Sonic V-3D BlastSpace Harrier 2 Speedball 2 SpiderMan and the X-MenSpiderman and VenomSpiderMan Animated SeriesSpiderMan vs KingPin Rus Splatterhouse 2 Splatterhouse 3Spot Goes to HollywoodSquirrel KingStargateStreet Fighter 2Street RacerSunset RidersSuper BattletankSuper Bubble BobbleSuper Hange On Rus Super Mario World Super Monaco GP 2Super Ping PongSuperMan 2Sylvester and TweetySyndicateSyndicateTaz in Escape from MarsTaz-ManiaTechno ClashTekken Special 3Terminator 2Theme ParkThomas the Tank Engine Thunder Force 2Thunder Force 3Tin HeadTiny Toon Acme All-StarsTiny Toon AdventuresTom and JerryTop Gear 2Toxic CrusadersTrue LiesTurbo Out RunTurtles Hyperstone HeistTurtles Tournam FighterTwin HawkUniversal SolderUrban StrikeV.R.TroppersVector ManVector Man 2Verytex Virtual BartWacky WorldsWarlockWarpSpeedWere BackWimbledon TennisWinter ChallengeWiz "n" LizWolverine AdamantiusWorld HeroesWorld of IllusionWormsWrestle ManiaX-MenX-Men 2Yogi Bear's Cartoon CapersZero Kamikaze SquirrelZero ToleranceZombiesZoom____________________________________История MAME (CAPCOM)1944Alien vs. PredatorArmored WarriorsCadillacs and DinosaursCarrier Air WingDynasty WarsEco FightersFinal FightForgotten WorldsGhouls'n GhostGiga WingKnights of the RoundMagic SwordMega ManMega TwinsMighty! PangNemoPnickiesProgearPuzz Loop 2Street Fighter 2Street Fighter ZeroStriderSuper Street Fighter 2The King of DragonsThe PunisherThree WondersU.N. SquadronWarriors of FateWillow[/html]
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