high-tech-picosecond laser machine used unique honeycomb focused technology to form a skin effect vacuolization,which can protect skin from damage during treatment. the laser pulses in nanosecond, super high energy. this causes the pigment mass to swell quickly and break into small pieces, which are then eliminated through body's metabolic system. which have a good result for the tattoos removal, birthmark , skin whiting, ota , freckle , and the chloasma . fast effective-pico laser machine make tattoo&pigment removal treatment process from 5 to 10 times reduced to 2 to 4 times,greatly reduce the treatment and recovery time,with fast and obvious effect. this technology is known as fractional pthermolysis theory , the 10.6um far-infrared laser will evenly mark with tiny holes, and then cause aseries biochemical reactions inside the skin, thus to reach the results of skin lifting & resurfacingpigments and scar removal, etc..syi