handbag women tote berkin bags luxury designer crossbody messenger shoulder bag 20 25 30 35 40cm gold/silver hardware straps cowhide leather

handbag women tote berkin bags luxury designer crossbody messenger shoulder bag 20 25 30 35 40cm gold/silver hardware straps cowhide leather
артикул: 710396441
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this berkin totes bags with all logo. but we could not show in the pictures, logo in front of bags and buckles. have locker, same as originals, all color and all size have stock, factory outlet sales we are factory in guangzhou with reasonable price for this women leather totes bags. no middleman, drop ship available. welcome to wholesale and retail for this handbags this crossbody handbag they made of litchi pattern cowhide genuine real leather, crossbody metal heave chain. phone pocket inside very convinient to use for party. include many color. fast ship. we have stock in our factory, 2 to 3 days for processing time after you make the payment. we will ship them with dhl, fedex, epacket, and sf express, delivery time is about 10 to 20 days in the package include bag*1, invoice*1(if you need), card, lock, key, straps for 25 and 30cm, size: size:25cm 30cm 35cm 40cm. all this with be packed packing box. will protect your package very well..syi
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