ds011css Common Grounds Instant Coffee : Cloak & Dagger Ds20X11

ds011css Common Grounds Instant Coffee : Cloak & Dagger Ds20X11
sku: 12702111307
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Common Grounds Instant Coffee: Cloak & Dagger
1 Box = 6 Sachets
Net Weight per sachet: 3 Gr
What's inside?
6 Sachets of Cloak & Dagger
Easy, convenient and instant!
Our instant coffee is created by spray drying roasted specialty grade coffee into ultra-fine soluble coffee powder. This technique allows for retention in the unique flavour and characteristics of the coffee, which is then released within 5 seconds when dissolved in hot or cold water.
Although this doesn't replace a delicious freshly brewed cup of coffee at the cafe or in your own home - this is perfect for those who are traveling, enjoying the great outdoors, or just can't be bothered to make your filter coffee or espresso that particular day.
Ingredients: 100% Specialty Grade Coffee
1. Take 1 Sachet
2. Pour 80-85C of 150 ml hot water
3. Stir well and enjoy!
Semua pesanan yang masuk dibawah jam 18.00 akan dikirim dihari yang sama, selain itu akan masuk pengiriman esok hari. Happy shoping :)
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