Terror on the Screen. Witnesses and the Reanimation of 9/11 as Image-Event, Popular Culture and Pornography

Terror on the Screen. Witnesses and the Reanimation of 9/11 as Image-Event, Popular Culture and Pornography
sku: 2748589
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The 9/11 attacks have had many extraordinary consequences. The horrific violence of that day ushered in a different world, a different time. We have all become, in one way or another, witnesses in the global theatre of terrorism. Terrorists want their violence to take on a theatrical quality, and be watched. The 9/11 attacks were successful to this end. It was not long before our imaginations were running wild.Many fields of post-9/11 popular, tele-visual and screen cultures changed substantially, other subtly.& 34;Through dazzling close readings of a wide variety of cultural texts, from the Battlestar Galactica reboot to post-9/11 pornography, Howie is able to demonstrate how the politics and poetics of& 34;witnessing& 34; have come to structure the experience of American popular culture in the past decade.& 34; -Jeff Melnick, University of Massachusett, Boston.& 34;After reading Howie& 39;s ingenious updating of visual theory I would paraphrase Morpheus from The Matrix and say& 34;welcome to the oasis of interpretation& 34;. This book is a much-needed analysis of the dangers to be found when a whole society risks living in an uncritical, ideological version of the witness protection program!& 34; -Paul A. Taylor, University of Leeds, UK.
   Technical Details
author: Luke Howie
binding: 152x220 мм
ISBN: 9780982806135
language: English
page_extent: 292
Type: book
year: 2011
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