Sale All About Geography : Secondary Environment & Resources Textbook

Sale All About Geography : Secondary Environment & Resources Textbook
sku: 27526676136
Shipping from: Indonesia
ALL ABOUT GEOGRAPHY SECONDARY ONE ENVIRONMENT AND RESOURCES textbook invites you to explore and investigate important issues in our world today.
It is designed to trigger your thinking, help you raise essential questions and allow you to acquire the skills to investigate issues in a purposeful and critical manner. By building on your prior knowledge of the world, the Textbook will help you understand the interrelationships between people, place and environments.
You will be made aware of future challenges, and in learning to manage these challenges,
become active and concerned citizens.
Ketentuan Pembeli:
Pembeli Wajib Membaca Ketentuan dibawah ini:
1. Pastikan untuk selalu cek ISBN yang sudah tertera di bawah foto
3. Buku yang sudah dibeli tidak dapat dikembalikan atau ditukar
5. Dengan membeli buku artinya sudah memastikan buku yang dibeli sudah benar, dan setuju dengan ketentuan diatas.
Pengemasan produk sudah termasuk plastik bening dan kardus, namun untuk meminimalisir kerusakan dalam pengiriman, silakan tambahkan bubble wrap sesuai dengan kebutuhan.