Nutriboon Nutriboon Plant Protein Plant-Based Protein(200 g, Nil)

Nutriboon Nutriboon Plant Protein Plant-Based Protein(200 g, Nil)
Shipping from: India
Made by 80 percent protein, It makes muscles powerful and repairs tissue- Nutriboon is made by 80 percent protein which provides instant energy to the body. It makes muscles powerful and repairs tissue It Makes faster metabolism which helps to reduce obesity and excess fat-Nutriboon accelerates metabolism which reduces obesity and excess fat therefore its helpful in weight loss. Nutriboon's 80% protein protecting against the risk of kidney and heart diseases. Less appetite and low calorie consumption-it contains high protein diet which is effective for weight loss and obesity. By eating protein appetite decreases automatically and Controlling excessive food helps in reducing obesity and weight gain. Maintains the size of stomach-Eating at least 10 grams of essential amino acids (EAAA) in food helps in reducing excess stomach fat By consuming high quality protein. It has been confirmed in various studies. in Building and development of Muscles -Protein provides amino acids to build body muscles. Strong bones and low risk of osteoporosis- Research has consistently confirmed that intake of high protein provides strength to the bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease that increases the risk of fracture. Osteoporosis decreases the density of bone, The bone micro-structure is decomposed so in this way high protein protects against danger. For faster and better brain-Protein is an important brain meal. Regular intake of proteins produces substantial amounts of serotonin, dopamine and other neurotransmitters hormones that keeps our mind happy and healthy. It is like antidepressant medicines which acts as a natural remedy to reduce anxiety. For Better sleep-High-protein diets have been found to allow people to sleep better and wake up less frequently during the night compared to high-carb diets. Scientists believe this is because protein may optimize chemical transmitter balance, making us wakeful and energized during the day but sleepy and restful at night. For Balanced Blood pressure-A higher protein intake has been found to reduce blood pressure in individuals with hypertension. A four-week study tested the effect of giving subjects an extra 60 grams a day of protein (boosting protein intake to 25 percent of the diet and reducing carb intake to 45%) Faster recovery from injury-In Nutriboon, 80% of protein repairs muscles and bones. It helps to recover from injury faster. It helps in the formation of cells in body and reproduces broken fibers as well. It produces digestive juices. Protein-Rich breakfast helps in weight loss-Good news for those who are wishing to lose weight. According to a new research, Protein-Rich breakfast reduces weight. It has been told in the research that in the breakfast, instead of carbohydrate or fibrous things, the use of protein-rich items does allows to feel hungry in the day. According to a Research done on a group of 18 to 55 years of women in the University of Missouri shows that their stomach remained full with high protein breakfast compared to low-protein breakfast and the amount of fat and fiber remained the same in the entire day. For appetite control Protein breakfast is a best source. How Much protein every day-Our body requires protein according to its weight. If your weight is 50 kg then you will need 50 grams of protein per day. You can take only 50% of your protein from your regular diet. In order to meet remaining protein Nutriboon protein should be consumed at-least once or twice daily. Regular protein needed in older age-There are many types of diseases emerging in older age. In such cases, body needs a lot of protein because it is a condition when the protein is quickly digested so in this stage the quantity of protein should be increased in food. Do vegetarians need more protein? It is difficult for vegetarians to get full protein from their daily diet. 20 different amino acids makes protein. Only 11 of these amino acids can be produced by our body. Nine amino acids cannot be made by body itself. They are called essential amino acids and it is necessary to include them in diet. They can be fulfilled via outer sources. Mother should get more protein in pregnancy-During pregnancy proteins needs to be increased. Along with the mother baby in the womb also needs a lot of protein. Protein develops the child's anatomy. In this condition Proteins deficiency can put bad effect on pregnant mother and her baby. Protein needs for patients-After fighting a disease, patient's body becomes very weak. Patient's body fibers cells etc., are greatly damaged, they need protein to heal. If the patient's diet is not correct then he may get sick again.
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