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Batas orderan senin - jumat jam 14.00 Wib. Sabtu minggu hari libur nasional, libur pengiriman.
best before Aug 2022
sudah dengan packaging baru
Did you know that Latte Macchiato literally means stained or marked milk? The process of making a Latte Macchiato involves staining the milk with a cheeky shot of espresso. This is the opposite of a Caffe Latte where you would add milk to the espresso shot.
The NESCAFE Dolce Gusto Latte Macchiato capsules are the perfect weekend treat! Beautifully smooth with a hint of sweetness, it will definitely impress your guests.
The bottom layer consists of sweet, cream-coloured milk followed by a rich layer of espresso with a blanket of white foamy milk sitting delicately on top. Look out for the macchia - a delicious dot of crema sitting atop the frothy milk helping to distinguish itself from a Caffe Latte. Its an absolute necessity that you show off the full 3 layered effect with a tall latte glass. Theres no other way to enjoy a Latte Macchiato!
Mohon cantumkan Motif/Varian/Warna yang diinginkan (Jika Ada) pada kolom catatan. Jika tidak dicantumkan kami kirim random.
*Barang rawan pecah ATC BUBBLEWRAP ,Segala macam kerusakan pada saat pengiriman adalah diluar tanggung jawab kami Buble wrap hanya meminimalisir kerusakan.
Tanyakan terlebih dahulu stok barang.
Chat akan dibalas pada saat jam kerja. Mohon Menunggu.
Toko buka Hari Senin - Sabtu | 08.00 - 17.00
(Tanggal Merah Toko Libur)
Selamat Berbelanja. Happy Shopping :)
Batas orderan senin - jumat jam 14.00 Wib. Sabtu minggu hari libur nasional, libur pengiriman.
best before Aug 2022
sudah dengan packaging baru
Did you know that Latte Macchiato literally means stained or marked milk? The process of making a Latte Macchiato involves staining the milk with a cheeky shot of espresso. This is the opposite of a Caffe Latte where you would add milk to the espresso shot.
The NESCAFE Dolce Gusto Latte Macchiato capsules are the perfect weekend treat! Beautifully smooth with a hint of sweetness, it will definitely impress your guests.
The bottom layer consists of sweet, cream-coloured milk followed by a rich layer of espresso with a blanket of white foamy milk sitting delicately on top. Look out for the macchia - a delicious dot of crema sitting atop the frothy milk helping to distinguish itself from a Caffe Latte. Its an absolute necessity that you show off the full 3 layered effect with a tall latte glass. Theres no other way to enjoy a Latte Macchiato!
Mohon cantumkan Motif/Varian/Warna yang diinginkan (Jika Ada) pada kolom catatan. Jika tidak dicantumkan kami kirim random.
*Barang rawan pecah ATC BUBBLEWRAP ,Segala macam kerusakan pada saat pengiriman adalah diluar tanggung jawab kami Buble wrap hanya meminimalisir kerusakan.
Tanyakan terlebih dahulu stok barang.
Chat akan dibalas pada saat jam kerja. Mohon Menunggu.
Toko buka Hari Senin - Sabtu | 08.00 - 17.00
(Tanggal Merah Toko Libur)
Selamat Berbelanja. Happy Shopping :)
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