Lyman 300 AAC BLackout Pro 4-Die Reloading Set

Lyman 300 AAC BLackout Pro 4-Die Reloading Set
sku: LY7701028
€ 347.53
Shipping from: United States

Lyman Pro dies will set a new standard for reloading die performance! Designed for the tremendous volume of our Mark 7 presses, every aspect of these precision dies was carefully engineered for top performance. Of course, they work great in regular progressive presses as well as turret and single station presses. Our first consideration was the material of the dies. Our size, seat and crimp dies are all made of stainless steel which was chosen for its toughness and anti-corrosion qualities. No more rusted dies! Our sizing dies are equipped with highly polished carbide rings for the ultimate in wear resistance and reduced sizing force. In addition, the sizing dies are equipped with a springloaded decapping rod system to ensure that the primer is forcefully ejected from the primer pocket. Our rifle sets get our famous M die neck expander, with its famous two step expander plug for just the right amount of neck tension and case mouth flare. The pistol sets include our flare die which are designed to allow bullets to properly sit on the case mouth prior to seating.Next is our Micrometer Seating die. This seating die has a micrometer adjustable seating head for precision bullet seating length. Its floating bullet seating punch centers the bullet on the case and eliminates excessive run-out. Finally, each set is equipped with a taper crimp die to fully remove any case mouth flare and to provide improved bullet retention. Lyman Pro dies offer more features at a better price than any competitive dies available!- Stainless Pro Carbide Sizing Die -Tungsten carbide sizing dies were pioneered by Lyman, now we have made them even better. Our new Pro Carbide die bodies are made of stainless steel which is noted for its toughness and anti-corrosion qualities. No more rusted dies! Our sizing dies are equipped with highly polished carbide rings for the ultimate in wear resistance and reduced sizing force. The carbide rings have a generous radius on the mouth to allow cases to easily align on progressive presses. Rifle dies also include our super slick carbide expander buttons to reduce case stretch. In addition, the sizing dies are equipped with a spring-loaded decapping rod system to ensure that the primer is forcefully ejected from the primer pocket every time.- Pro Case Flare Die -Our case flare dies are especially designed for use with progressive and automated reloading presses. The long tapered expanding plug allows you to adjust for just the right amount of case flair to properly position a bullet for seating. Our Case Flare Die is also made of corrosion resistant stainless steel which protects it from rust and keeps it looking like new for a lifetime of use.- Pro Series Micrometer Taper Crimp Die -Our Micrometer Taper Crimp Die gives you exact the amount of crimp that you want. The Taper Crimp Die has a micrometer adjustable head for precise positioning of the floating crimp sleeve. If you want to change your bullet crimp a few thousandths of an inch, simply turn the micrometer head to the required setting. The floating crimp sleeve centers the cartridge and applies a perfect taper crimp. Our Micrometer Taper Crimp Die is also made of corrosion resistant stainless steel which protects it from rust and keeps it looking like new for a lifetime of use.- Two-Step Neck-Expanding (M) Die -Improves accuracy of cast and jacketed bullet reloads. Doesn ½ t stretch cases as does standard expander button. Extends case life. A Must-Have die for the cast or flat-base bullet user.Many reloaders consider Lyman ½ s Neck Expanding (M) Die a valuable tool for improving the accuracy of their reloads. The die ½ s expander plug has two steps.• The first step expands the inside of the case neck to just under bullet diameter for precise case neck tension in the finished reload.• The second step expands the case mouth to bullet diameter or slightly over. This allows the jacketed or cast bullet to be started perfectly centered in the case mouth and properly aligned with the axis of the case neck.

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