Designer Bamboo Handbag Tote Shopping Bag Women Rivet Shoulder Bags Genuine Leather Silver Hardware Removable Wide Strap Fashion Letters Black Large Capacity Pock, Clear

Designer Bamboo Handbag Tote Shopping Bag Women Rivet Shoulder Bags Genuine Leather Silver Hardware Removable Wide Strap Fashion Letters Black Large Capacity Pock, Clear
sku: 1192565109188136960
Shipping from: China
Compared with the quality of competitors,we are many times better.We combine authentic development and compare materials to achieve top quality. Design is the soul of product. We have established our own professional design development team. The product is purely measured by hand, if there is some size error, please understand The picture you see was taken by hand. If you have any questions. you can contact us at any time. we 7*12 hours for you to answer. This bag is stylish and classic. Applicable to all ages. Sales are good..syi
   Technical Details
Color: Clear
item_group_id: 860882081
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