2023 designer luxury handbag shoulder bag brand LOULOU Y-shaped designer seam women's leather metal chain black clamshell messenger chain bag box wholesale, Silver

2023 designer luxury handbag shoulder bag brand LOULOU Y-shaped designer seam women's leather metal chain black clamshell messenger chain bag box wholesale, Silver
sku: 1110682969711910916
Shipping from: China
The quality is very good, please rest assured to buy Dear friends, welcome to my shop. If you want to see the picture of this bag, please leave me a message All pictures are actual photos of the bag you will get. Your satisfaction is our pursuit! So when you receive it, it is 100% new. Before the products are shipped, we will carefully verify to ensure that they are all high-quality with labels and LOGO (if there are unlabeled, only the product itself has no label and logo) Our bags will have independent packaging. They have boxes and dustproof bags, which are free for you. There is also an independent invoice receipt inside.The pictures you see are processed. Contact us. We will send you an album so you can view the original pictures.syi
   Technical Details
Color: Silver
item_group_id: 848090822
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